Our Support

The SmartWorld Connect team will:

Set up your own Digital Community Hub containing Apps that follow your chosen criteria which connect people, utilise resources better and generate incremental revenue for the city centre.

Search out and review the best global ‘Smart City’ Solutions and prepare outline business cases for the City to evaluate.

Provide the City Management with the business case and return on investment calculations, so the cost of sale for any chosen Smart City Solutions provider will be minimal.

Build the Platform which will be pre-prepared to accept data feeds generated by these solutions, simplifying our IT implementation.

Connect Local App Developers granting them access to a much larger and targeted audience. They will have access to the App Development Templates and the unique data set to create new Apps that help to connect the city. If these Apps are successful, they will be promoted to other cities around the world.

Develop the Cloud platform, the data set-up and integration, and all the analysis and reporting for a low cost fee. This fee will be off-set by revenue share from the App purchases.

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